Friday, February 3, 2012

Big Ang Mob Wives, Hair Extensions

Hi Everyone~!! So sorry I haven't blogged in a while, I've been so busy between work and balancing my personal time. I recently have had the pleasure of working with Big Ang from VH1 hit show, "Mob Wives." She was so much fun to work with and I really enjoyed our talks. We had lots of laughs as we filmed for next season. You will have to stay tuned and watch the show to find out details!! Here are some pictures of us and her transformation from before to after.

I will definitely try to do more posts and will be doing another post soon on Baseball Wives! Stay tuned to find out which one is wearing Hair Goddess of NY custom imported hair extensions. For further information on natural hair extensions, visit


  1. What kind of extensions did you use? I have heard you can't put your hair up w/certain extensions but I notice she does. Now long do they last?

    1. My hair extension technique is beaded through your natural hair. Maintenance upkeep is every 3 months; however the hair lasts 2-3 years.

  2. These extensions are looking like natural hair. It is very difficult to judge either it is natural or artificial.

  3. Hi, nice blog. I like it. Its awesome! Thank you for sharing.
